Disatnce from Udaipur

Distance from Udaipur

Here is quick information on distance between Udaipur and some of the prominent cities/towns of Rajasthan & other cities of neighboring states. Simultaneously, brief information has also been provided on which mode of transportation should commuters preferably use to cover these distance.

Distance from Udaipur to Jaipur

Both located in the same state of Rajasthan, Udaipur and Jaipur are separated by distance of 429 kms. Both cities location in the same state surely implies that they are easily connected by all modes of transportation.

  • Travelling via road and train, however, should be given more preference. Since they both take pretty  much the same time as taken by airline flights, which obviously is very expensive.
  • If one chooses to travel via road, then the easiest & cost effective option would be to travel by Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation (RSRTC) buses. RSRTC runs ample buses from Udaipur to Jaipur on daily basis. One can also opt for private car rental services, but that obviously would be very costly. A hatchback car on a one way trip from Udaipur to Jaipur would cost somewhere around Rs 4,500 to 5000. In case if one chooses to travel with own private vehicle, then note that National Highway No 79 connects Udaipur to Jaipur.
  • As for trains, there are 6 trains from Udaipur to Jaipur. Out of which 3 trains run on daily basis.

Distance from Udaipur to Ahmedabad

The distance between Udaipur and Ahmadabad is merely 251 kms. The best way to travel to Ahmadabad from Udaipur is via road. 

  • The total time taken to travel via road is approximately 6 hours and the most cost efficient way to travel via road is by RSRTC bus. The ticket of an air conditioned RSRTC bus would cost somewhere around Rs 300 to Rs 350. In case of private rental cars, the cost would zoom to Rs 2,500 to Rs 3000 for a one way trip on a hatchback car. And for commuters who want to travel on their own, then note that National Highway No 8 and National Highway No 927A connect Udaipur to Ahmedabad.
  • The next best option is to travel via air. The air journey takes approximately 4 to 5 hours. The reason for such long duration is that most of the flights for Udaipur to Ahmadabad are not direct flights.     
  • Train journey is by far the most time consuming. Taking almost 11 hours.

Distance from Udaipur to Delhi

The total distance between Udaipur and national capital Delhi is 698.6 km. When it comes to traveling to Delhi from Udaipur, the best way to travel is by air. As traveling by road and train takes tiring 12 hours, whereas travelling by air take merely 2 hours.
  • Although traveling via air is obviously very expensive. The average ticket price for Udaipur to Delhi is Rs 7000 to Rs 8000.
  • In case if one is strictly seeking budget traveling, then one can either opt for train or bus journey. There is hardly any difference between their fare and time travel. Although availability and frequencies of buses are much better & higher than trains. Not only state run RSRTC run daily bus service between Udaipur and Delhi, but even hordes of private tourist agencies in Udaipur ply their buses to Delhi.                        

Distance from Udaipur to Jaisalmer

The total distance between Udaipur and Jaisalmer is 591 kms. Udaipur and Jaisalmer are directly connected only via road and hence traveling via road is by far the best option.

  • Besides many private buses operated by tourist agencies, there are 3 to 4 daily RSRTC buses plying between Udaipur and Jaisalmer. But, via bus the journey lasts tiring 12 to 13 hours. If one chooses private rental cars, then same journey will be reduced to 10 hours.
  • Commuters can also opt for beak journey. This would mean traveling to Jodhpur via bus or car and from their taking train to Jaisalmer. However, journey duration won’t be reduced and it would still take tiring 12 to 13 hours.

Distance from Udaipur to Kumbhalgarh

Kumbhalgarh, one of the popular tourist destinations of Rajasthan state, is located approximately 100 kms away from Udaipur city. Kumbhalgarh and Udaipur are directly connected only via road and hence traveling via road is by far best option.

  • Via bus and even car, reaching Kumbhalgarh from Udaipur takes merely one and half hours. State run RSRTC as well as private tourist agencies ply ample buses and cars from Udaipur to Kumbhalgarh.
  • In case if one chooses to travel on its own, then from Udaipur one needs to drive to Nathdwara  en-route to Haldi Ghati to reach Kumbhalgarh.             

Distance from Udaipur to Nathdwara

The distance between Udaipur and Nathdwara is merely 52 kms. Since Nathdwara is located in so much proximity to Udaipur, traveling via road is surely the best way to reach Nathdwara.

  • Via bus or car it takes hardly 40 minutes to reach Nathdwara. RSRTC buses, private buses and rental car services can be easily availed for reaching Nathdwara.
  • For travelers commuting with their own private vehicle, from Udaipur they will have to drive to Bapu bazar road en route to National Highway No 8 to reach Nathdwara.   

Distance from Udaipur to Chittorgarh

The approximate distance between Udaipur and Chittorgarh is approximately 110 kms. One can either opt for train or bus to reach Chittorgarh.        

  • Both take approximately 2 hours to reach Chittorgarh. Moreover, frequencies of trains & buses for Chittorgarh from Udaipur are also pretty good.    
  • Following is the driving direction for Udaipur to Chittorgarh: head to d northeast on RMV road toward Lake palace road - Bapu Bazar road - State Highway 32 – National Highway No 76 – National Highway 79.

Distance from Udaipur to Kota

Udaipur and Kota are separated by approximate distance of 290 kms. For reaching Kota via road takes approximately 4 and half hours compared to 5 and half hours via train. And since Kota doesn’t have an airport, road and train transportations are only means to reach Kota from Udaipur.  So, it is suffice say that travelling via road to Kota is tad better option than traveling via train, although it is bit expensive.

  • RSRTC and hordes of private tour operators ply ample buses on daily basis between these two destinations. Private rental car services are also available, which though expensive, would take you to Kota little faster & quicker. They will save nearly half an hour and take you to Kota in approximately 4 hours.
  • For people driving on their own, they need to follow this route: RMV Road – Lake Palace Road – Bapu Bazaar road – State Highway 32 – National Highway 76.
  • There is also one daily train from Udaipur that halts at Kota station: 12964/Mewar Express.

Distance from Udaipur to Ranthambore

Udaipur and Ranthambore are separated by 400 kms. Ranthambore neither has a railway station and nor airport and hence it is directly connected only via road. The road journey from Udaipur to Ranthambore takes approximately 6 to 7 hours. 

  • For an interesting road journey, commuters should take Udaipur-Bundi-Ranthambore with a night stay at Bundi, which is a lovely place.
  • Another route for Udaipur to Ranthambore is: Udaipur to Chittorgarh – Bhilwara – Mandal – Shahpura – Jahazpur - Deoli/Devli - Tonk. 
  • People can also reach Ranthambore via train but with a break journey. One will have to travel via train to Sawai Madhopur and from their take bus or car to Ranthambore. Ranthambore is approximately 10 kms away from Sawai Madhopur. But traveling via train is very tiring, as train journey from Udaipur to Ranthambore itself takes 8 to 9 hours.                 

Distance from Udaipur to Mumbai

The distance between Udaipur and financial capital of India, Mumbai is approximately 700 kms. The best and quickest way to reach Mumbai from Udaipur is via air. A flight journey from Udaipur to Mumbai approximately takes 1 and half hours as compared to approximately 15 to 16 hours of bus and train journey.

  • In case traveling via flight is costly option, which is obviously expensive. Then the second best option is to travel via train, as traveling via train is far less costly than by bus.
  • There are two trains from Udaipur to Mumbai, 12996/Udaipur Bandra SF Express Slip and 22902/Udaipur – Mumbai Bandra (T.) Express.
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